Dean of Students

Husky Assistance and Care Team (ACT)

Husky Assistance and Care Team (ACT) provides individualized student support, assistance, and advocacy through brief case management and a coordinated response to help them navigate the complexities of the university experience in order to achieve their academic and personal goals. Incidents and referrals may be elevated based upon whether or not they represent a threat to the safety and well-being of the student or others.

Husky ACT is a multi-disciplinary team led by the Dean of Students at St. Cloud State University. The core team meets weekly to review and discuss student cases triaged by staff in the Dean of Students Office to identify and implement appropriate actions to provide the support and assistance needed to help the student be successful and achieve their personal and academic goals. Staff in the Dean of Students Office are responsible for triaging incoming referrals, gathering information, consulting with reporting parties, and engaging campus partners with a goal of determining actions and interventions to support student well-being.

The team will also collaborate with the Crisis Care Team (Critical Incident Stress Management) and Bias Incident Response Team to respond to critical incidents on that affect students, staff, and the greater campus community. 

This team does not address concerns of harm to others. If those concerns arise, the case will be referred for threat assessment escalation.

Team Membership

The Dean of Students Office is the central repository for concerns related to student health, safety, well-being, and behaviors of concern. The Dean of Students Office is responsible for reviewing and triaging incoming referrals, gathering information, consulting with reporting parties, and engaging campus and community partners with a goal of determining interventions to support student well-being. The Dean of Students Office is supported in this work by the members of Husky ACT who represent staff from several departments across the University with administrative, psychological, academic and legal expertise. The team operates within FERPA/HIPAA requirements.

Weekly meetings with Core Members are convened to review new and ongoing student cases. Monthly Husky ACT meetings include the core team and Husky ACT Liaisons to review trends in student behaviors to help inform campus educational and professional development opportunities for students, faculty, and staff.

Core Members

  • Dean of Students (Chair)
  • Assistant Dean of Students
  • Assistant Director of Residential Life
  • Director of Counseling and Psychological Services
  • Director of Public Safety
  • Director of Student Accessibility Services
  • Executive Director of Student Success and Advising

As members of the Husky Community we support our students as whole people and sometimes that means helping them get connected to receive some additional help.  Faculty and staff are encouraged to use this form to refer students to the Husky ACT team for help connecting to resources. You can use this form to refer students of concern for a variety of reasons, including (and not limited to):

  • Emotional distress
  • Grief and loss
  • Concerning Behaviors